Our Church Life

Bereavement Café
The aim of the café is to provide a safe space for people to meet others who have been bereaved, share their experiences and find mutual support. All are welcome, regardless of whether your loss was recent or a long time ago.
Working in partnership with our local community centre the Bereavement Café meets on the second Friday of the month
10.30am-12noon at the Lyppard Hub on Ankerage Green, WR4 0DZ.
Word on Wednesday - WoW
Word on Wednesday is a relaxed and friendly bible study group that meets on Wednesday evenings from 7.45-9pm on zoom to focus on a particular theme or book in the bible.
There is always good conversation in each session as we seek to listen to what the text may be saying to us and how it can help us to grow as disciples and live out our faith in the world today.

Men's Fellowship
The men’s breakfast club is open to men of any age and while it has a Christian ethos, you don’t have to be a Christian to come. It provides an opportunity for men to meet up regularly on a Saturday morning in a safe space to discuss things of concern to them. Each monthly gathering tends to have a specific focus or activity but always involves breakfast that usually consists of bacon butties (vegetarian alternatives available) and a mug of tea or coffee.
We have a willing group of singers who meet in the church most Friday evenings between 7.30-8.30pm. We practise music to be sung in our Sunday worship and at our festivals. We are a relaxed group who enjoy bringing glory to God through our singing and we welcome anyone who wishes to join us, regardless of age or singing ability.

The Craft group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday mornings in the Church Barn between 10am-12noon. It is primarily an opportunity for fellowship over a cuppa and some cake and people share their various crafting skills. You are welcome to bring along your own project to work on or you can join in with whatever project the group wants to do together.

Our Sponsored Child
The Christian charity that connects us to Silvester and other similar children in Africa is Abaana. Abaana is an East African word for children and the charity was set up in 1998.
St. Nicholas has supported Silvester since early 2013 when he was aged 3. Our junior church members wanted to support a boy after Amina whom we sponsored through World Vision until then outgrew their sponsorship scheme. We have set up a display board in the Barn with information about where Silvester lives and pictures of him over the years as well as storing the many letters that he has sent us. There is a special collection box – known as the Ark- which is used to collect donations and thanks to the generosity of people at St. Nicholas we are able to provide extra support at Christmas and during difficult times such as COVID not just to Silvester but also his family.
For More information - abaana.org/